The pro­ject


The recent­ly com­ple­ted pro­ject The Kur­fuerst, loca­ted on Kur­fürs­ten­stra­ße in the popu­lar dis­trict of Tier­gar­ten, fits per­fect­ly into its varied and lively sur­roun­dings as an ensem­ble of townhouses.
The loca­ti­on is abso­lut­e­ly uni­que: situa­ted in the dis­trict Mit­te at the bor­der to Schö­ne­berg, and thus in clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to the pro­mi­nent Kur­fürs­ten­damm, it is at the nexus of City West and the city cen­ter. Nest­led in the midd­le of The Kur­fuerst is a green retre­at to escape the urban hust­le and bustle.
In total, buil­ding sec­tions A and B com­pri­se 29 apart­ments with flo­or plan varia­ti­ons ran­ging from 65 to 160 sqm that wel­co­me abun­dant light and suit a varie­ty of lifestyles.



Start your day
with a tre­men­dous amount of light.

* Posi­ti­on of the sun in June.
The simu­la­ti­on is only for rough ori­en­ta­ti­on and may devia­te from reality.

House A

Living space:  1.459,20 sqm
Unit: 18

House B

Living space:  972,52 sqm
Unit: 11

House L

Living space:  747,63 sqm
Unit: 11

Under­ground car park

Num­ber of par­king spaces: 10

Deve­lo­ped by a third party
for and on behalf of D&H.
Six flo­ors of apart­ments that impress with their high­ly effi­ci­ent flo­or plans. Each of the 2 to 4‑room-apart­ments is com­ple­men­ted with a bal­c­o­ny or ter­race, along with high cei­lings which make for a fee­ling of spa­cious­ness. Every ele­ment of The Kurfuerst’s inte­ri­ors has been careful­ly con­cei­ved for casu­al elegance.
Archi­tect Ser­gei Tchoban’s plans empha­si­ze the diver­si­ty bet­ween the buil­dings. Clas­sic ele­ments are taken up and skillful­ly com­bi­ned with modern struc­tures. This crea­tes a breath­ta­king faca­de image that allows for a plea­sant cor­re­la­ti­on with the sur­roun­ding ensem­ble of buil­dings. The mate­ri­als used also make refe­rence to the neigh­bor­ing buil­ding com­ple­xes and archi­tec­tu­ral monu­ments such as the “Twel­ve Apost­les Church”. Through the sty­lish inter­play of clin­ker, con­cre­te and plas­ter, the dif­fe­rent faca­des crea­te tim­e­l­ess and uni­que addres­ses that at the same time inte­gra­te well into a modern city.
The enc­lo­sed urban cour­ty­ard forms a pri­va­te recrea­tio­nal space in the midd­le of the city, lea­ving ple­nty of room for lei­su­re activities.


The pro­ject The Kur­fuerst is loca­ted in the dis­trict Tier­gar­ten of the tren­dy borough Mit­te. Living here means being in the heart of the city — bet­ween the pres­ti­gious depart­ment store KaDe­We and the famous Pots­da­mer Platz. Both are in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty and within wal­king distance.
The cen­tral resi­den­ti­al loca­ti­on has excel­lent public trans­port con­nec­tions. The near­by sub­way stops “Nol­len­dorf­platz” (ser­ved by the sub­way lines U1, U2, U3 and U4) and “Kur­fürs­ten­stra­ße” (U1 and U3) offer con­nec­tions to the rest of the city, so that sta­ti­ons like “Zoo”, “Pots­da­mer Platz” and “Alex­an­der­platz” can be rea­ched quickly.
At the same time, the­re are many green spaces in the sur­roun­ding area, which are just as sui­ta­ble for sport­ing acti­vi­ties as they are for rela­xed pic­nics. The gras­sy banks of the Land­wehr­ka­nal, the park­land of the famous Tier­gar­ten — often refer­red to as Berlin’s equi­va­lent of Cen­tral Park in New York City — and the Gleis­drei­eck Park, from whe­re bike paths lead to the sub­urbs, are less than a kilo­me­ter away.
The Kur­fuerst is loca­ted in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty of the KaDe­We depart­ment store, the Kul­tur­fo­rum (inclu­ding the Phil­har­mo­nic Hall and the Natio­nal Gal­lery) and Pots­da­mer Platz, thus offe­ring num­e­rous shop­ping and enter­tain­ment options.
The cen­ter of West Ber­lin with the magni­fi­cent bou­le­vard Kur­fuers­ten­damm is also near­by, while a 10-minu­te sub­way ride will take you to Fried­rich­stra­ße, the hot­spot of for­mer East Ber­lin. Seve­ral sub­way lines and a num­ber of bus lines pro­vi­de public trans­por­ta­ti­on con­nec­tions in all directions.
Oppor­tu­ni­ties for cul­tu­ral and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties are in shou­ting distance. Loca­ted only 500 meters away is the venerable varie­ty thea­ter Win­ter­gar­ten, which has been delight­ing audi­en­ces with its diver­se shows and caba­rets for more than a hundred years. Ano­ther venue within wal­king distance is the Ber­lin Phil­har­mo­nic Hall, whe­re the most renow­ned soloists from around the world per­form. The way to the con­cert hall will also take you past the New Natio­nal Gal­lery and the Old Mas­ters Pic­tu­re Gal­lery, all part of the Kulturforum.
About us

Dia­mo­na & Harnisch
crea­tes some­thing very special:
a home to feel good

As an expe­ri­en­ced real estate deve­lo­per, we crea­te high-qua­li­ty living space, com­bi­ning modern design with ener­gy-effi­ci­ent, prag­ma­tic archi­tec­tu­re. We deve­lop pro­per­ties at careful­ly sel­ec­ted loca­ti­ons whe­re uni­que flair, con­ve­ni­ence and qua­li­ty of life come tog­e­ther to form an ide­al resi­den­ti­al area.
DIA­MO­NA & HARNISCH’s out­stan­ding repu­ta­ti­on as a qua­li­ty-con­scious, detail-ori­en­ted pro­ject deve­lo­per is based on pro­fes­sio­nal exper­ti­se and many years of expe­ri­ence. The company’s pro­per­ty deve­lo­p­ments include modern hou­ses that fuse the best of con­tem­po­ra­ry design with ener­gy-effi­ci­ent architecture.